24-Hour Nurse Line
Immediate assistance
To talk with a nurse about a health question or problem you are experiencing, dial 800-337-4770. When calling, state "no" if you are asked to enter an extension, then listen for the option to connect to the Nurse Line.
The 24-Hour Nurse Line is a resource for those enrolled in one of the IU-sponsored medical plans who need guidance on non-emergency health questions and concerns. Specially trained registered nurses will assess your situation and give you the information and support you need to take the right action. The information you share is confidential and covered by the same state and federal HIPAA privacy guidelines that your physician follows.
Full explanation
For a full explanation of the 24-Hour Nurse Line benefit, see the information provided by University Human Resources.
Questions or need assistance?
If you have questions or need assistance with the 24-Hour Nurse Line, email uitshr@iu.edu.